Sunday, July 17, 2011

Insignificant but Important

While on vacation, we watched the movie Remember Me.  I won't spoil any details for you regarding the movie itself, but one particular line that struct me in the movie was a quote from Ghandi. 

"What you do in life is insignificant, but it's important that you do it."

It made me think a lot about the meaning behind the quote.  Justin and I even had a conversation around this topic.  Justin felt that line was untrue.  I pointed out that from the standpoint of the world looking in, what you do may be insignificant to society, but it is important that you do it from an individual or close knit circle of community.  It reminds me much of our walk in faith.  What we do may be insignificant in the sense that we may not ever see the seeds we plant in others come to fruitfulness, but it is important that we do it.  I look at our world and see that it is so natural that God is not represented in our government, schools, work, even extracurricular activities.  If we don't reach out to plant those seeds in our communities, how will others ever know Christ? 

I know that God is bigger than you and me, and that He will always provide a way for others to know Him in some way, shape or form.  But when He is calling us to reach out and be that example or that voice of reason to others, do we act on it?  I have to admit, I don't always... Maybe it's because I fear that I will get in the way of what God is trying to do in that person's life (through my own humanness, I tend to talk too much when I get nervous in situations, and I fear I will overwhelm someone)... maybe it's because I think I will make a fool of myself and look crazy... maybe I am just being ridiculous?  I often find myself feeling so inadequate in being a light for others, which is selfish.  I just so desperately want the words to come out right and not hinder what God is wanting to do that I cripple myself.  It's a lie that Satan feeds us to make us ineffective Christians.  I don't want to be that person anymore, maybe that's why I am reading and trying to discover my spiritual gift.  While I am searching to find out what that is, I hope I can still be a light for His Kingdom.

"Go and make disciples, loving people into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ, and provide for all, a life-time of Christian growth."

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